Contact Xavier MONTEL
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phone_in_talk Phone: 33468571404
phonelink_ring Mobile: 33666926895

location_on miami beach, USA,
Prestigioproperty's is part of the group's S.A.S Rosasimmobilier Property's Consulting agency in France but specializes in consulting luxury real estate. Transactions by Lawyer Accredited by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the Consulate of France (Miami). Having his office in Miami. Languages ​​: French, Spanish, Portuguese (+ notions of German, Italian, Catalan, Romanian) .. and English! He will deal with you: - Immigration - Right of Succession - Acts Notaries and Certificates - Expertise in French law - Civil Law, Commercial & Real Estate Transactions par Avocat et Notaire (International) de Droit Civil de nationalité américaine ayant son cabinet à Miami. Membre du Barreau – Ordre des Avocats a la Cour de Paris. Avocat Accrédité par le Ministère des Affaires Etrangères auprès du Consulat de France (Miami). xavier MONTEL CPT N°11623 Paris
mail_outline Send a message to: PrestigioPropertysMiami

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