Company: Aratinga inn

Aratinga inn

Contact: Rennie Jackson

phone_in_talk Display Phone Numbers
phone_in_talk Phone: +55 24 33619559
phonelink_ring Mobile: +55 24 988360400

mail Send Email Enquiry
Address: Ilha Grande
City: Ilha Grande
Region: Rio de Janeiro
Country: Brazil
Hi, I'm Rennie, the owner of Aratinga. I'm really so sad at the thought of leaving my Island Paradise, but the time has come for me to retire. I will return to Australia to be closer to my family and friends. I can't tell you what a wonderful experience it has been living on Ilha Grande and running my B&B. Our guests are the highlight of Aratinga! I have met so many interesting, adventurous and inspiring people from all over the world and we have had such great times together. You will too!
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