Select Dates and Guests to check availability
€67 EUR | £56 GBP | $69 USD
Minimum Stay: 7 nights
Max Occupancy: 6 guests
Bedrooms: 3

1 single

2 double
Bathrooms: 2
Type: Villa-House

Swimming Pool

Pets Allowed

Air Conditioning


No Smoking

Credit Cards Accepted
Please select your dates to check availability and obtain a price quote.
Example Company
John Smith
Location: Belgium
Speaks: English,Spanish,German,French
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Advertising since: 5/15/2005

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Located in the beautiful Jalon Valley on the outskirts of the picturesque village of Alcalali. Surrounded by fantastic mountain views and only 25 minutes drive to the coast (Denia, Javea, Altea etc).
C'EST UN ESSAI, IGNORENT S'IL VOUS PLAÎT situé dans la belle vallée de Jalon sur les périphéries du village pittoresque
The villa is surrounded by an attractive garden with a hidden courtyard with patio, and features a large swimming pool. The interior includes tasteful traditional Spanish furnishings with large built-in closets and a modern kitchen. The local area is well known for its natural beauty and also its great restaurants.
Nearest Airports: airport, 20 km | paris, 5 km
20% deposit at the time of booking and the balance no later than 1 month before the start of your holiday. We do accept payments in Euros or GBP. Payment can be made by cheque, direct deposit, wire transfer or money order.
Weekend rates are available upon request, off season weekend rates start at $ 320 US and high season at $ 475 US per family of up to 6 occupants (3 nights).
The acceptable arrival times for this property are: Fri & Sat 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM.
Please note: Arrivals at the property are only possible during these hours.
Nightly Prices
Start Date |
End Date |
€ Euro
January 7 | March 20 | 100 CAD | € 66 | $ 97 |
March 21 | May 30 | 120 CAD | € 80 | $ 118 |
June 1 | August 26 | 1,500 CAD | € 1,002 | $ 1,479 |
August 27 | September 30 | 120 CAD | € 80 | $ 118 |
contact me to obtain an exact price for your stay.
This property also rents as a monthly rental, view details.
Payment Options:


Credit Cards
Additional Rates:
Daily rates available from £ 175.00 GBP or additional guests £25 extra per day.) Daily rates available from £ 175.00 GBP or additional guests £25 extra per day.) Daily rates available from £ 175.00 GBP or additional guests £25 extra per day.)
Daily rates available from £ 175.00 GBP or additional gu