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€44 EUR | £37 GBP |
Minimum Stay: 1 night
Maximum Stay: 365 nights
Max Occupancy: 1 guest
Rooms available to rent:
1 room
Bathrooms: 1
Type: Room
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Come join our Mexi-Canadian family
Features: • TV • Patio • Internet Access • Laundry • Swimming Pool
We moved to Merida, Mexico 3 years ago. We came so that our 2 young sons can learn Spanish and experience the Mexican culture... I am originally from Canada and my wife is originally from Mexico. So English and Spanish are spoken in our home. We are about 20 minute drive from the beach of Progreso, 15 minutes from downtown and withing walking distance we have malls, restaurants, Starbucks, movie theater, banks, gym, parks, etc...
Local Amenities:
Shopping Centre
Local Bus Stop
Included in the stay:
Kitchen Access