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6 bedroom Condo for rent in Miami Beach FL Florida USA

ok Select Dates and Guests to check availability


£442 GBP | $584 USD

Minimum Stay: 1 night
Max Occupancy: 14 guests
Bedrooms: 6   2 double
Bathrooms: 2
Type: Condo
ac Air Conditioning

Please select your dates to check availability and obtain a price quote.

Vacation Home Rental
american living
Location: USA
Speaks: English
Advertising since: 1/3/2019
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Right on the beach in South Beach! Perfect for bachelor and bachelorette parties, reunions, couples, families. This 6 bedroom Ocean & Beachfront Condo Suites consist of 2 lock-out condominium units about 900sf each, both under the same roof, on the same floor, within 20 steps of each other and with full privacy. Condos are located on world famous Ocean Drive right next to shops, restaurants, bars and lounges.
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The rental Property must be looked after carefully. Cleaning of kitchen appliances, pots and pans, and cutlery is the responsibility of the Guest and is not included in the final cleaning. Agent Reserves the right to charge an extra cleaning fee if the Property is left in poor conditions. Extra cleaning fees average between $50- $200, depending on the extra cleaning hours needed. If Agent determines that excessive cleaning is necessary, extra cleaning charges may exceed the abovementioned average amounts. Damage caused by the Guest or other users must be reported immediately to the Property care taker. The Guest is liable for any loss or damage caused by him/her or by other users, unless they can prove that they are not responsible. Furniture may not be moved without approval or Guest will be charged $100 for each occurrence of having moved a piece of furniture. Additionally, damaged towels by make-up, sun tan lotions or other stains or rips will be replaced at a charge of $20 each to the credit card on file.
Nightly Prices

Please contact me to obtain an exact price for your stay.
Additional Rates:
Nightly rates $798.00 for Max of 14 persons Weekend rates $1596.00 for Friday and Saturday Cleaning fee $30 per person
Map / Location

Exact location not provided - showing map of "Miami Beach FL" USA

Address: 834 Ocean Drive
Postcode: 33139
City: Miami Beach FL
Region: Florida
Area: Southern Florida
Country: USA
Main Features:
Sleeps/Guests up to: 14
Payment options:
Airconditioning: check
Double Beds: 2
Single Beds:
Pull Outs:
Baby Cots:
Easy Chairs:
Television: check
Suitable For:
Children: check
Couples/Romantic Getaway:
Private (secluded):
Local Amenities:
Restaurants: check
Golf Course:
Washing Machine:
Fridge: check
Oven: check
Dining Table: check
Parking: check
Patio/Garden Furniture:
Boat Available:
Hot Tub:
Availability Calendar: booked Booked Available Available
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