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Lithuania  Lithuania - Holiday Rentals in Siauliai Lithuania
Lithuania Country: Lithuania (5) | Region: Siauliai
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  • Lithuania Siauliai:

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    Found 1 Siauliai properties for short stay rental

    Room • 4 People • 2 1 wifi
    18 /night
    Min Stay 5 nights

    Siauliai, Lithuania 

    € 18 /Night (minimum stay 5 nights)
  • WiFi

    Room in the centre of the town

    Features:  •  TV   •   Internet Access   •   Parking Pets at the property: Name: type:Dog lives indoor: 1I live in comfortable flat in the centre of the town with my husband.The main waliking street of the town is right near our house.You can leve your car in the yard .If you come with bus there only 10 minutes for a walk to our house.Local Amenities:LibraryShopping CentreSports ArenaLocal Bus StopHospitalParkBowlingCinemaMuseumWater SportsHealth ClubRestaurantLocal Train Station...More Details

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